Canti Napoletani (songs of Naples)

Thirty-three images from the city of Naples, taken during a series of personal visits between 2002 and 2017. Thirty-three impressions, like the thirty-three Canti in each of the three books (Hell, Purgatory, Heaven) of Dante’s ‘Divina Commedia’.

Whether this series invokes an image of heaven or hell is in the eye of the beholder. The city of Naples itself is a quintessential work of the dark and the light, the chiaro and the scuro.

Literally so, as one experiences when walking through the myriad of damp alleys, where the sun hardly ever hits the pavement. But Napoli also encapsulates the best and the worst of mankind in its fundaments, as it has done for thousands of years. Filth next to etheral beauty. Poverty next to some of the largest and most elaborate palaces in the western world.

Infinitely dark and rampant criminality next to proud and inspiring examples of Faith. The vivacity and strength of the people. And the dazzling beauty of the Bay of Naples, with its treasure islands and the sunny blue sea…

Press ‘play‘ for the ‘Canti Napoletani‘, accompanied by some original Neapolitan music!

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